Problem (Release)

I have facing some problems regarding my submission. Can someone help me? Pochet has been modified but still having problems.

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Hello @FSupreme

Thanks for your message.

Can you please tell us the Barcode (EAN Number) and send us a screenshot of what is not working.

@Carlos will get back to you shortly. You can expect an answer next week. No one from the Team works on weekends.


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4066218906363 j’ai du meme payer la masterisation or je n’en veux meme pas besoin. Croyant que c’etait ca qui me bloquait

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Thanks for the screenshots. Next to the message there is a checkbox that you have to click. This doesn’t work for you?

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The Next checkbox asks me for mastering and distribution again. I don’t understand

Hmm okay :thinking: Then, as mentioned above, @Carlos will take care of it from Monday.



I had even to pay for that mastering in which I did not want. Your assistance is very appreciated as you mentionned that Carlos will handle it. The first check box was for the picture. I have modified the picture but it remains always. and the second one, It requires mastering and distribution.


Bonjour @FSupreme,

Vous devez indiquer les noms légaux complets des contributeurs, il n’est pas autorisé d’indiquer des pseudonymes dans ce champs:


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Bonjour Carlos,

Je viens de modifier les noms et renvoyé. Pourriez-vous s’il vous plait vérifier?


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Si vous avez soumis les corrections, notre équipe dédiée va vérifier la sortie et vous notifier de la suite en temps voulu. Pour le moment, merci de bien vouloir patienter.
