Problem with my release


I have to pay my release “I Will Help You” but when I click on “Payer et distribuer”, the amount is 0€ and I can’t pay anything. I have to pay this today because my release is on November 24th.

Thanks for your reply,



Hello @Regus

Thanks for your message.

@Carlos or @Fabiola will get back to you shortly.


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Please can you answer me very quickly, I have to pay today because my release is novembre 24 th !

My account on Musician is (DELETED BY MODERATOR) ans my artist name is Maïtagari

Hello @Regus

Please do not share personal information such as email addresses in the community.

The information you have already provided to us is sufficient. Thanks!


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Ok So can you telle me why I can’t pay ?

As described above, Carlos or Fabiola will contact you here. You will receive an answer tomorrow. I’m just a community moderator and can’t look directly into the processes and procedures when it comes to something like this.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

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Thanks for your message. My problem is that if I pay tomorrow, I’ll pay the “livraison prioritaire” even if I prepare my release today and I can’t pay today because of a problem on the platform. Tis problem is not my fault, I’d try several times during the day and it didn’t work. can you ensure that, when the problem is resolved tomorrow, I pay the price I should have paid today ( the “express” rate) ?
Thanks for your reply

Unfortunately I can’t answer that. If it stays like it is today, you would have to pay €29. Your release is a single right? 9€ per single + 20€ for express delivery (green border when selecting November 24th in the release creation).

If the release date changes tomorrow to priority delivery, you would still pay the €9 per single + €40 would be charged for priority delivery.

But the colleagues can tell you more about this tomorrow. Wait for the reply first.You don’t need to worry about that for now.


Hey @Regus,

Here’s how to pay for your invoice:

Pay open order

It’s also all explained here.



Thank you. It’s impossible to guess that this is where you have to pay. It stressed me since yesterday… Why can’t I pay when I click on “Sortie” and “Payer” … ? Maybe you can talk to the site team to change this.
Have a nice day.

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Hey @Regus,

Because in your case, when you finished creating your order you clicked on “Pay” without actually going through the whole payment process. By doing this, you’ve created an open invoice, which is why you now need to go to the “Invoice” section to pay it.

To avoid this, just make sure not to exit the payment procedure halfway through.


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