Problema takedown release dal mio catalogo


vorrei segnalare un problema riguardo la rimozione di una release dalla mia libreria.

Sono registrato con l’account (DELETED BY MODERATOR) e vorrei eliminare la release “Kit-Kat (Carriera da solista)” (EAN 4061798803088) dal mio catalogo.

Quando provo a finalizzare il takedown come consigliato su questa pagina, esce il messaggio di errore nella screen allegata. Ho provato a inserire il titolo e cliccare su “conferma” ma non succede nulla.

Come posso fare?

Hello @metodicarecords

Thanks for your message.

Please do not share personal information such as email addresses in the community.

There is currently maintenance work. Therefore the function is not available. The function will be available again shortly.

@Melani from the team will do the deletion next week. No one from the Team works at this time and on weekends.


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Hi @cantheproducer,
thanks a lot, my bad about personal information, I was only trying to help giving to the Team best information about my problem.

So, I just have to wait for @Melani to delete the release? I don’t need to take other action on the personal dashboard?


That’s right. She will write here in your post next week. It takes 2-4 weeks for a takedown to be processed by the platforms.



Perfect, thanks a lot for all the info @cantheproducer :smiley:


Buongiorno a tutti @cantheproducer e @metodicarecords, ho richiesto la rimozione della tua uscita discografica e come detto, ci vorranno circa 2-4 settimane! Un caro saluto