I distributed with imusician at the beginning of my EP with my band
But we have no access to an account on any streaming platform to make changes to the name or profile photos.
So we find ourselves in a situation where on Spotify the profile photo is our album cover and on YouTube it’s not our name and there are no profile photos.
So will it be possible to get them because we’re bothered by his problems?
Hi @BenR57 , the following describes how to claim your artist profile on spotify and what it takes to create your own artist channel on youtube, Best, Andi
So for Spotify I didn’t get a link or an invitation for the platform, how and where can I make this request to the distributor?
As for YouTube, there’s already a YouTube channel with our tracks on it, but I haven’t received a code to access it.
Hi @BenR57 you don’t need to make a request to the distributor you just need to claim your profile from spotify for artists as explained in the first link I sent you, for youtube, let’s ask @Melani and @Carlos from the Team if they can take a look at this
The YouTube channel that hosts your release is an auto-generated Topic channel. You cannot access this channel, however you can ask for it to be merged with your personal channel to create an official artist channel. You can find more info on this here.
In fact it’s like YouTube, a Spotify account in my band’s name is created automatically, so I don’t have any ID to connect to it,
that’s what I’m asking about, because without the IDs I can’t do the artistic verification
hi @BenR57 looks like you need a spotify account as listener to log in before you can claim your profile, do you have one? if yes, did you try to put these credentials in? If not, please choose I don’t have a spotify account and create one so that you can continue.
Hi, So I’ve just looked and I think it’s already been claimed (with the image I’m sending you, it’s Midnight Exit) so I still need the IDs to access it on Spotify and Spotify artistes
hi @BenR57 , as I tried to explain, there are no id’s you can use for that exept the ones created when claiming a profile. to do so you have to create or insert your spotify listener credentials when asked to by the spotify for artist webside (i’ve send you the link above) and follow the procedure.
please let us know when the page asks for something you don’t know. Obviously you will have to choose the right profile to claim. are your songs on your profile? or have they been asigned to a wrong profile?
so please let’s go through this ste by step:
Is your music on the right profile on spotify?
have you tried to claim it through the spotify for artist page here?
did you enter your spotify listener account credentials?
did you select your artist profile when asked for?
best, Andi
Hello, I’m sorry I haven’t given you any news, I’ve had a few gigs and a recording project (which is about to take place) come through, so thank you for the time you’ve taken, now I’ve understood how to do it I just need to succeed on my side.