Release Feedback

I received an email saying that there were bugs to be fixed, I made the correction but I can’t send the feedback, and it’s necessary to proceed with the release

Hello @Silvestre,

What’s the barcode of the release in question please ?


cancel a paid release that was not delivered is there a refund?


The release is currently on hold because you haven’t added the legal names for the Composer and Lyricst, as requested by our Quality Assurance team.


Please make the requested corrections and submit it by following this procedure : Como posso saber se meu lançamento passou pela verificação de qualidade ou requer alguma ação adicional de minha parte? | iMusician

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I already made the payment for the release, but I can’t see the status of the release, if it’s in process or if it was void, and I didn’t get any refund. This is the launch bar code:4066218813531 Email support has not been as helpful as it should be


Why have you sent 14 different e-mails in the last 48 hours, knowing that our service is not working during the weekend ? Spamming our mailbox is not going to help in any way…

Also, I see that you have submitted the requested modifications to our Quality Assurance team but now the release has no active status, which means it was cancelled in the meantime. @Cayo could you please look into this one ?

Se foi cancelado porquê que não recebi reembolso?