Release issue - artwork copyright owner

Hi! The artwork didn’t pass the Quality Check. And since I need to change the artwork I also need to change the copyright owner, but I’m not able to add that information, how can I fix this? I see the box where the information should be added but I can’t click on it and add the information.

Hello @anders

Thanks for your message.

@Carlos or @Melani will get back to you shortly.



Hey @anders,

When uploading the new artwork, you can also add the name of the copyright owner.

Once you’re done, please submit your corrections to our team by following these steps :slight_smile:


Hi Carlos! Yes, I know where I should add the information. The problem is that when I try to do that I don’t seem to be able to click on the box (as shown in your picture) and write anything. Is it a bug in the system?

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Mmmh I see. Unfortunately there are some fields you cannot edit after paying for the release, that might be why. Can you please provide me with the name of the copyright owner for the new artwork so I can add it for you ?


Ok, I understand. Here is the name of the copyright owner: Marek Piwnicki

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Done! I’ve submitted your corrections to our quality assurance team so they can go ahead with the delivery to the streaming platforms. You’ll be notified in case anything else still needs to be corrected, but it should be fine now :slight_smile:


Great, thank you, much appreciated! :slight_smile: