Release on IDAGIO

Hello @Carlos

I’m wondering if there are any updates on my release on IDAGIO Track: 4066218892277, You informed me it will be released on IDAGIO around 3/4 days.

Thank you.

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Hey @CSP,

The release has been re-delivered to IDAGIO on 11.12.2023.

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Okay so you’re saying we should follow up with them about it. So, how can we contact them and what should we provide for them as indication to which one is our track?

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Hey @CSP,

We’re looking into it, I’ll let you know regarding the next steps. Until then, thank you for your patience :slight_smile:


Hello @CSP,

The release has been delivered once again to IDAGIO yesterday (19.12.2023), it should be available within the next 4-5 days.


Okay just checked now and it’s on IDAGIO. Thank you @Carlos and the rest of the iMusician team. :pray:t2: