Remove Titles

Hi I’m SveltomiX
I understood that if I do not take AMPLIFIER
it will be impossible to solve my problem.
I told many times to remove the titles 11 and 34
from my POP 4 new Album.
I receive nothing !
What about now ?
I paid for my release and it’s more than a mounth
of delay now !
It’s a real MESS I am deceived , but anyway tell me NOW what to do in order to fix that at once.
THANK YOU / SveltomiX


Thanks for your message.

@Carlos will get back to you shortly.


Calm down please.

  1. Your release has been delayed because you have been trying to distribute parts of a Michael Jackson track without providing any valid license and this despite the clear instructions we’ve been providing you since 06.12.2023.
  2. Your Free subscription doesn’t give you access to the e-mail support, therefore even if you try to reach out from there multiple times (which you did) you will be redirected to this forum. Please comply with the appropriate contact procedure if you want us to help you properly.
  3. I have removed tracks 11 & 34 from the release and forwarded it to our Quality Assurance team to check if the delivery is now possible. If all is in order, your release will be online within 3-4 days.

I understand your frustration, however you are subject to the responsability of providing all the valid licences and authorizations required for us to do our job properly. If you do not fulfill your part of the contract (+ follow the correct contact procedures), I’m afraid that the distribution of your music will always encounter delays.



quel soulagement pour moi
merci Carlos
mes meilleurs vœux à toute l’équipe


Avec plaisir, meilleurs voeux à vous également :slight_smile: