Revenus et royalties

Bonjour, je voulais savoir 4 mois après la sortie d’un projet, les revenus générer par notre musique sont versés directement à notre compte iMusician ou on doit vous faire la demande ?

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Hi @Fokuss

Thank you for your message.

the revenue appear in your iMusician account. You click on the “Income” tab on the left side. Your revenue are displayed there. If you are in there, you will see “Payout” as the second tab. With “Payout” you can pay out your revenue.

The amount will then be transferred within 30 days to the payment method you have deposited.

Best regards


Bonjour @Fokuss,

j’ajoute en complément de la réponse de cantheproducer ce lien vers notre FAQ où vous trouverez la procédure en image: Comment puis-je demander un versement ? | iMusician

Bonne journée à vous :slight_smile:

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hi @Offroadmedia let’s see if @Carlos can explain this better to you :v:

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Hey @Offroadmedia,

Thank you for sharing your opinion on this. I understand where you’re coming from, but I’m afraid this is too much of a simplification from your end. It doesn’t work like that; you cannot just “check a persons bank account once” in order to validate a payout.

Many factors can explain the delays; most frequently it falls within fraudulent activities and stream-boosting, which cause the platforms to withhold part of your revenue for additional verifications (they cannot monetize streams that have been acquired fraudulently). Of course, we also have to run a double check on our end, which will delay the payout procedure.

Also, a lot of times, the banks themselves are simply rejecting the transactions. This can be because the amount requested is too low compared to the fees you’ll have to pay, becaue the bank account has been blocked, because the bank details were incorrectly registered on the iMusician dashboard, etc.

In any case, we’re not keeping your money “hostage”, we’re just making sure that you are entitled to receive your revenue in compliance with both the streaming platforms and our own terms of use.