Richiesta di prelievo

Salve. Ho richiesto un prelievo l’8 August 2024. Per cortesia vorrei sapere quando arriveranno i soldi, quando il prelievo verra espletato.
Grazie, attendo risposta.

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Hello @Simone,

We’ve temporarily suspended the payout of your earnings due to a notification we received from Spotify about potential artificial stream boosting on your account in April & May 2024.

Artificial streaming, as you may know, involves manipulating streaming numbers through methods that do not reflect genuine listener engagement, such as the use of bots or click farms. This practice is against Spotify’s guidelines.

We understand this situation might be concerning. Please rest assured that we are collaborating closely with Spotify to review the situation. Our aim is to determine the exact amount that has been withheld and resolve this matter as quickly as possible.

During this investigation, we are committed to ensuring that any legitimate earnings are released to you promptly. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work through this process.

For more information on Spotify’s guidelines regarding artificial streaming, you can refer to their official communication here.

Best regards,


Grazie, quanto tempo dovrò aspettare?

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Ciao @Simone, torneremo da te non appena riceviamo informazioni da parte dell’uffio contabile.

Grazie per la tua pazienza e ti auguriamo una buona giornata!


Salve! per cortesia vorrei sapere perchè la mia richiesta di prelievo è stata eliminata.

Grazie, attendo risposta

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Inoltre vorrei sapere cosa significa quanto segue:

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Potrei avere una risposta per piacere?

Salve! Sto ancora attendendo una risposta.

hi @Simone , did you receive an answer meenwhile? :v:

A post was split to a new topic: Artificial streaming detected