Song title is spelled wrong

I am not sure if this is my mistake, but my song is spelled wrong in Imusician. How can i fix this and is this something I did? Also it appears for some reason a remix I uploaded is faster than the original version I put in. Please let me know if I have any options.


hi @jtfess288 , Iā€™m forwarding this to @Melani and @Carlos from the Team so they can take a look at this, you can espect an answer starting from Monday :v:


Thank you


Hello @jtfess288, thanks for your message. What is the barcode of your release? Please note that titles are adjusted to respect Apple Music guidelines, and there is a helptext on our dashboard when creating the release.

Hope this helps and have a great day!

All the best,


Where do I find the bar code? I have three songs that came out on my release (3remixes) and the song title is wrong on all of them.

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hi @jtfess288 the barcode is the EAN Code of your releases :v:

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Ok, where is that located in Imusician? Sorry I am not getting any notifications in email with your message. I see the ISRC code only.

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if you check your library and you click on release and then on your release you will find the EAN number in the description on top :v:


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It appears it was spelled correctly in one area and it should be Etracene. Just like the graphics and title :slight_smile: Thank you

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Hello @jtfess288, we corrected the titles for you and we will be sending the update to all shops. Please remind next time that this type of modification have a cost and you can request the change going on your dashboard, open the release > Edit > Request change.

This one has been made for free as a good gesture :slight_smile:
Kudos for your music and wishing you a great day!

All the best,

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