Spotify about to change its royalty model in 2024

Happy New Week Everyone :microphone: :mirror_ball:

We just published an interesting article about some changes that will affect the music industry, specifically the royalty system in Spotify!

If you are curious, have a read here:

Spotify has not made any public announcement yet but perhaps some of you got notified of the price change of the Premium sub already! As artists, labels and distributor, we are all waiting for further news and our eyes/ears are wide open!

Wishing you a good week all!! :eyes:


Hey @Melani :v:

Thanks for the info. I have sent the article to other artists :+1:



Thank you @Melani for this info, an important change for us in 2024



Thanks @Melani ! thanks a lot!!!
what I don’t get is the intention behind this, I mean, point 1, but this should be true also for point 3, spotify won’t save a cent, the money will just be distributed differently… point 2, what is meant by the distributer will be penalized? in our case, would this be iMusician, which would make no sense, right?, or the artist?, who, if he didn’t ask for a bot-army to stream his songs, would be a victim too… for what regards the third one, okay they’ll change the model, someone who wants to get just money out of it will just adapt to the new model… but let’s see what will happen :v:


Hello @Andi

We need to be together with our distributor & the community of iMusicians :muscle::wink:



yes it’s about indie :smiley: if I was spotify I would have done the opposite, reducing the ammount of money you get when you go over a certain threshhold of streams :muscle: and redistribute it to whom is under :blush:


Good morning all, I’m trying to find the positive side of this change and what it seems is that “there will be more space for a better/good quality content”. Well, Youtube adopted the threshold strategy long time, so let’s see how it will work within Spotify.

I’m sure that for indie artists with good intentions, genuine dedication and with an organic approach to success, nothing will change! So you/we keep up :rocket: :heart_decoration:


Just follow up on this one… does this affect iMusician pricing plans? I’m assuming the commission income will most likely go down a bit for iMusician. Not that I have total statistics of the iMusician transferred royalties, but I would assume that user base is more to indie than the higher top.

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Hello @markvera, in case of any changes, artists will be notified of course.
Currently, there is no new policies on this. Thanks for your understanding