Spotify does not upload song


I have two questions:

Question 1:
I uploaded my track to imusician and the track has already been approved for release. In addition, an artist account has been set up for me on Spotify (Bacon).

Spotify has informed me by e-mail that they still need the EAN number (please see e-mail below). I sent the EAN number back to the e-mail. Unfortunately, nothing has happened for a few days now, except that my artist account is somehow linked to “Bacon-Radio”.

Question 2:
How do I get into my artist account, which was created for me by imusician, so that I can edit the profile there? So far I have created my own artist account and have tried to link it to the imusician account without success.

I’m a bit confused and at a loss and would appreciate some help ;).

Best regards


E-Mail from Spotify:


We got your Spotify for Artists request, but we need a little more info from you. This won’t take long!

It looks like you’ve requested access to an empty artist profile with no live content. Can you provide the name and UPC or EAN of your upcoming release?

Your label or distributor can help you track down your UPC or EAN. This should help us verify that you’re the artist or part of their team.

If you don’t have any music on Spotify yet, you first need to upload some before you can claim your profile. Learn more about getting your music on Spotify here. Your profile is created for you automatically when you deliver your tracks. Once your profile’s live, follow the steps again to claim it!


The Spotify Team

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Hello @Bacon

Thanks for your message.

@Carlos or @Melani will get back to you shortly.



Hey @Bacon,

So what exactly is the issue here ? As far as I understand, your release has been assigned to the incorrect artist profile (“Bacon-Radio” instead of “Bacon”) right ?

If you want, we can send a request to Spotify so they move the release to a new artist profile titled “Bacon”. Once it’s done, you’ll be able to access request to it as explained here.

To do so, please provide us with:

  1. The link of your release on Spotify;
  2. The link of the incorrect artist profile;

Cheers :slight_smile:


Hey @Carlos ,

thanks, it’s already done. Spotify has now set it up. The track is released for February.

I hope everything works out now :wink:

Best regards



Cool, glad to hear that!

All the best :slight_smile: