I tried to claim my Spotify artist page on the 27th of april: they first sent an mail confirming they got the sign up accesss request, and then another denying our access the same day. I then made sure that my social media had the same mail adress as my request, but since then Spotify doesn’t answer my claim. They didn’t sent an e mail confirming that we requested a sign up access either (I tried last week and two weeks ago).
Hi @Rives, thanks for your message. I’m sorry that Spotify is not replying to you and they might be loaded with requests.
I would suggest you to contact the support once again and provide them the EAN (barcode of the release), the URI we provided and the social link where your artist name is displayed. This type of info is usually enough to prove and grant you access. Hope you’ll be able to solve it soon.
It is hard for us to intervene on this but I will keep this thread open, so that you can let us know!