Spotify Radio Playlist Color

Hi !

I already asked Spotify about this, in the artist support (the quick message box on the right bottom) about changing color on automated playlist on the artist profile.

I don’t expect Imusician to already have an answer, but that would be cool to know if this is truly (technically in that sense) that no one can change the color of the radio playlist.

Why this is bothering me ? Because those color are soooo random, not matching the color palette of the artist, not even the genre or mood of the song in it.

That doesn’t make sense, but check some artist online (big names, over millions of listeners) and they all have way better colors related to their genre and color palette of their artwork, so I believe spotify lied about not being able to change it, but only does it to their big artist.

As you can see, I got the amazing Pink radio color…

I hope someone can clarify this, as I understood, This Is playlist cover can be modified under request, but that would be awesome if radio as well…



Hey @liamphanmusic :v:

Thank you for your post. I like your idea very much. This is something that I have often noticed as well.

We smaller artists are unfortunately restricted. Also, we can’t release our songs the way we want to. I once wanted to release a song like “ZONA” and it was rejected. Instead, the “ZONA” became a “Zona” or the title “Back To You” became “Back to You”.

There are so many popular artists who have the song titles exactly as I wanted them to be. We just have to stick to guidelines. But they don’t… :upside_down_face:

Best regards,



If it’s a playlist you have ownership of you can change the picture of it however you like (for example I created my own “This Is” playlist Spotify).
However, if it’s a playlist generated by Spotify, we can’t do anything about it. My “Eria HummingBird Radio” has a strange green color, not better than your pink :joy:


Actually I believe “This Is” Playlist generated by Spotify, is also checked internally at Spotify, it’s based on algorithms but someone approves it. I know multiple artist, friends of mine, that requested a personalized playlist cover with their own design, and just had to stick to some guidelines and then submit it.

Radio is different in the sense that it is 100% algorithmic, even changing daily, thus the lack of support for changes… But I do believe that changing, or choosing the color shouldn’t raise big technical issue, I work in Data Science, thus not really fond to their answers of “It is not possible”…

They remove old data between 2015-2020, but I believe this is exactly for having more space and room to start their clips ,countdowns and other videos reels/tiktok style content. But if they do that, I won’t like having my own color palette in CLIPS, but having this horrendous PINK radio playlist just below…

ps: I am very confused about having so much new content for us (like having our own videos that actually create storyline for our new release and behind the scenes), but at the same time, sticking to such restrictive personalized playlist,