Spotify URI not found

I’ve been releaseing my music for years through another service and am thinking of switching to iMusician for my upcoming releases.
As I’m still figuring out, if iMusician has got the tools that i need, i’m on a free account as for now.

Let me tell you, not providing a support E-mail adress at all, but a forum where i chave to create an additional account is incredibly inconvenient.

I wanted to add my different artists to my portfolio, but somehow it’s not possible to link them to their respective Spotify Artist Pages. I tried adding the URI’s but it says, artist not found.

Any suggestions?


Hello @happyforreal

I’m one of the @Community_Moderators and they will always be one responding you on this forum.

I tag @Carlos and @Melani from iMusician support to give you info about how to add your different artists to your portfolio.

The support is closed during the hollidays.



Hey @happyforreal,

Thank you for your feedback, we’ve shared this with our dedicated team so they can work towards a more convenient way of communicating :slight_smile:

What exactly is the issue with the artist profiles ? I see on your account that the one artist you have is correctly linked to an Apple Music and Spotify artist page: