Statistiche da Spotify

Buongiorno, sono un abbonato iMusician e ho qui registrato le uscite di 3 CD della band metal “Crohm” di cui faccio parte;
un promoter a cui stiamo per affidarci per i prossimi mesi vorrebbe avere accesso ai dati di ascolti/download settimanali o bisettimanali dalla pagina di Spotify (creata da iMusician, suppongo) per ricavare statistiche e metriche. Le posso avere io da iMusician, da girare al promoter, e come? Non credo che sia utile creare un’altra pagina gemella della band su Spotify a questo scopo. Grazie.


Hello @ClaudioZac I’m a moderator doing my best to give you hints,

In the iMusician dashboard you have an analystics section where all the stats are available for all the sources as you can also have it from Spotify for Artists only for Spotify in this case.

An faq explaining how you can get stats

I tag @Maurizio and @Carlos from iMusician support to confirm you this about statistics

The support is closed the week-end

A DIY musician in electronic music like you, trying to help each other :wink::ok_hand::notes:


@A2D Thank You for answer and suggests


Hey @ClaudioZac & @A2D,

That’s correct, you can have access to your trends via the Music Analytics tool. For more info on this, check out this product page :slight_smile:

Hope this helps!