Streaming in Jamaica, US and Africa

My album hasn’t been Streaming in Jamaica, US and Africa. And i’m requesting imusican to change this for me. I request for that my music shall be stream world wide.

Greeting Bell

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hi @Bell , let’s ask @Melani if she can take a look to where your album has been distributed to and if there is something that can be done about it :v:

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Hi @Andi and @Bell :slight_smile:

I checked your release and I can see you selected all the countries where to publish your music. Do you have any proof that your music isnt being distributed to the mentioned regions? Thanks in advance


Thank you for answering back to me l realy appreciate your effort.


l ’ have family’s in all those country like American.they kept calling me ask me to fix the youtube and spotify.e.c.t they try and it said this page is not not showing.!!

And in African like in Ghana and Nigeril is same problem.they said the same it is not showing anything on youtube and the others.

And l was in Jamaica January 2024. me myself try and there family’s member were get angry with me because they spend hour on the mobile phone.and nothing say this page is not active.l get London England and it was the please l am asking you to fix this for me please.thank please sent me info on what you do.and in all these country youtube there can seed and heard- the songs yet.thank you to keep me update.!!


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Thank you for your feedback @Bell

@Melani will get back to you shortly.


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Hello @Bell, thanks for the clarification.

In order to send a request to the mentioned shops, we would need some proof. Ia there a way for you to send us screenshots (maybe your family members can provide them for you) showing that the song is unavailable when connecting from those countries?
As said, we see the delivery worldwide was selected. Thanks in advance for your collaboration :slight_smile: