Switch from TuneCore to iMusician using TuneCore generated ISRC

Hi to all,
i published two songs using TuneCore and I would lik to move them on iMusician. The first song has the ISRC code generated by TuneCore while the second has a my own code. Do you think is possibile to switch both the songs to iMusician mantaining all the stats and playlist entries? I can manage my own ISRC but I don’t know if I can use the TuneCore genereted code for my song for this purpose.
If this kind of operation is possible, then shuld I pay it apart?
Thanks a lot in advance

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Hello @StefanoP

I tag the support iMusician @Maurizio and @Carlos to help you


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hi @StefanoP yes, you can do that! plz note the ISRC codes, also the one generated by the other distributor and put them into the form when you redistribute your music with iMusician. in that way you will keep your stats and playlist entries. plz take also a look at this where everything is explained more in detail:

and let us know if this already helped to answer your question :v:

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Thank you Andi for your answer. This makes me more comfortable on this issue. Anyway it is not clear which kind of subscription is more covenient to me. Should I consider the moving of the two titles, from TuneCore, as two new releases? In this case if i choose the basic subscription “Amplify”, moving the titles I suppose that it correspond apply the two releases included in the subscripion on iMusician. That means: if I want to release a third song I have to pay an extra or is more convenient to subscribe “Amplify+”, isn’t it?

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hi @StefanoP I would republish them exactl as they were if you want to just change to iMusician but keep everything as it was. what is more convenient depends on a lot of factors, but if you plan to release more than 6 releases per year I’d suggest Amplify+ , also if you want a custom label, aeidtorial pitching or need revenue splits you should consider Amplify+, I guess you already have seen this?

If you have more questions, please let us know,
best, Andi :v:

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