Tails for streaming platforms

Hello everyone, I’m wondering if streaming platforms have rules regarding the allowed level in -dB and duration for tails.
For example, assuming a song ends with a sustained piano chord held by the pedal, how many seconds can the final decay last before reaching silence? Is it possible to have a tail that stays below -40 dB for more than 10 seconds?
Thank you.

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Hello @AngeloN93

An article from Spotify about db

It is in French but sure you can translate it or found the English version.

Another one about loudness

For me a long silent tail could influence the algorithm.

A2D :wink: :ok_hand:


Thank you @A2D for your reply.

Unfortunately, the articles don’t mention tails… I’ll keep on searching.

What do you mean exactly with your last sentence?

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Hello @AngeloN93

I mean as explained in the 2 articles Spotify made modifications on the db. For me, If you have a long tail, it could have a consequence to the modifications done by the algo on EP, album.

A2D :wink::v: