TAKEDOWN all releases

Dear Imusician staff

I’ve sent you an email today to takedwon all the relases currently distributed.
Please can you contact me ?


vielen Dank für deine Nachricht. Du kannst die Löschung deiner Releases auch selbst schnell vornehmen, wenn du möchtest.

Hier ist die Vorgehensweise beschrieben —> How to take down a release or deactivate the Content ID? | iMusician

Es kann 2-4 Wochen dauern, bis diese aus allen Shops entfernt sind.

Dear @cantheproducer ,

It’s been a year I asked the TAKEDOWN and followed the steps BUT, i still see stremas + royalties on my music for iMusician.

Please can you take down all my releases ?


Hello @ACK

Thanks for your message.

@Melani or @Carlos will get back to you shortly.

You can expect an answer next week. No one from the Team works on weekends.


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@ACK, your request is already being handled here, please refrain from opening additional conversation threads about the same topic.