thanx a lot! I’m already listening to it and gave it a big like!
wow, yeah, that would be amazing! for now we are focused on the venetian playground to make music (everyone we make music with is somehow related to it haha) but I wouldn’t exclude that at all for the future when we are a little more experienced
@Andi - at the risk of sounding dumb - what do you mean by “the venetian playground”?
hi Simon, haha, it should mean that we (the andi and meicheng project and all participating musicians) are somehow based or related to Venice although from all over the world, so we meet, play and record in Venice, at least for now, and it’s a little bit early for us to expand for what is related to our let’s call it “infrastructure” it’s quite a bit challangig already haha. I’m not sure if I could explain my thought
Hahahaha, no worries, I genuinely thought I had missed something there.
But hey, definitely a good name for a “collective” if you could go so far as to say that (and maybe a label in the future )
thaaaanx, who knows, yeah, would be amaziiing!
Ok no problem , we will be waiting .
Contact us after.
yayyyy, greaaat! I will!!!
Aww so heartwarming to find a fellow Venetian here! Though I personally went the other way round (born and raised in Venice, then moved to Berlin 4 years ago). How’s the current music scene doing over there? What’s your experience in that regard?
Hi Marta! to be honest, the music scene is nothing like in Berlin haha, from tomorrow on the Giudecca island will celebrate the art days and there will be some live music, one happening is called karaoke under the shower, haha, could be interesting. there are less places now with live music, but the Vapore Club in Marghera still rocks! With the end of the summer Morion and Rivolta should also start again with live music, during summer a lot of bands played in the neighborhood festivals, first of all at San Giacomo and San Piero The privat Music school Suono improviso is expanding and, of course, a lot of classic music events happen! I don’t even dare to ask you about the music scene in Berlin now, i know I would “become pale of envy” haha my very best greetings to Berlin!!!
hi @Nicholas, just as an update, we were added to this Spotify playlist: Retro Rock Vibes, it has just 56 songs (we are number 55 haha) and 1005 followers, it’s too early to say if it will produce streams, but the amazing part is, that really a lot of the songs in the playlist are from whitesnake, deep purple, led zeppelin, police, ac-dc, Steppenwolf, Rush and so on and so forth. To find us in that playlist was an incredible feeling!
Nice work finding your way in there! Each playlist add is a stepping stone
Did you reach out to the playlist curator yourself (DM on Insta) or did they discover you organically?
We submittet our song but it was more a kind of wishful thinking then And your suggestions to identify our style more closely were really helpful when looking for playlists where our song could fit in! I think it’s not easy for someone to find us by chance (there isn’t even an algorythmic playlist on spotify where we are in) It’s still more a mouth to mouth thing
but as it is a slow process we are learning a lot on each step and still we already would need a lot more time to do even all the things we already have in the pipeline haha. btw, is it possible to open for example the default autogenerated youtube page of the song for comments and ad things to the description or is it an as is and we will do things like that later on with our own artist page on you tube?
Thanks so much !!!
Ah this is awesome, also totally a good playlist for you guys to get into!!
Maybe we need a new thread for “wtf genre is my music”
yess haha, that could be interesting
hi everybody! we want to update and thank you all: we hit our first 1000 streams on spotify for the end of a dream!!! Spotify
Amazing news guys - very happy to hear this!
hii @LIIX1 i just added brobroli to my flux, rock & new indie playlist on Spotify, it’s an amazing song!
Aww thank a lot
We are very honored