The andi & meicheng project's latest news and updates

Hi everybody, we just wanted to update you: we hit our first 3.000 streams on spotify! :smiley: thanks to everyone for the help and support! with our very best, andi & meicheng :hugs:


Hey @Andi

This is amazing news! woop, only 2 months (ish) since the first 1K streams - pleased to see that continual growth there!

:champagne: :champagne:


thaaanks a lot @SimonG !!! :clinking_glasses: :champagne:

Hi everyone and a big thanks to everybody listening to the end of a dream !!!
These last few days we have reached our first 1.000 followers, for the first time we had more than 100 unique monthly listeners and we hit our first 5.000 streams on spotify!!!
We are so glad we have released our song with iMusician and want to thank the whole Team and this amazing Community and every single Fan of the andi and meicheng project !!! We love you all :heart:
We also want to invite our fellow musicians here to listen to the playlist LET’S MAKE YOUR INDIE FOLK & ROCK GREAT TOGETHER! and to submit your songs to us if the style fits and if you are willing to listen to the playlist at least once a week! More details here: The truth about playlist adds and how to get quality placements :hugs:
With lot’s of :heart: from Venice,
andi and meicheng


thanks @cantheproducer :hugs:

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incredible but true! the andi and meicheng project reached over 300 monthly listeners and almost 12.000!!! streams on spotify :smiley:

we want to renew our love for iMusician, our fellow indie musicians and all our fans who made this incredible result possible!!!
visit our profile, give it a like, listen to our playlists and submit your songs if you think they could fit, together we can do great things!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:


@Andi you made it sounds great :drum:


hi @cantheproducer yayyy, great!!! and thanks to you and @A2D !!!


You gonna luv our coming songs🫶🏻🎶