Title appears to have been manually modified

Hi, I’m preparing for my first release and the title has come through inconsistent with what I believe I submitted.

The first track should be “Relent / Chip Away”
The file for this (as slashes do not work) was “Relent - Chip Away”,
I thought I’d made a mistake in not correcting this from the dash to the slash as I’d prefer, but now it appears to have been manually adjusted to have a colon and one less space (“Relent: Chip Away”).

How can I reach support for this? Is it too late to adjust?

Hello @Droidsong, the release is already accepted and on its way to the shops.

It is now too late to change the title for free, and modification are only possible to artists with AMPLIFY+ plan. My suggestion for you would be to upgrade to a AMPLIFY+ monthly so you can achieve the faster support via email and the modification for free. If you would like to upgrade, just go the dashboard > Account > Manage subscription :slight_smile: