Trying to get through quality check

I don’t see anything on the website anywhere to fix the issues. Even the name change issue makes absolutely no sense to me.
Support has not explained to me what I need to do despite me sending a response on the first issue notification I received. Can somebody please tell me where exactly I need to click on the website to fix these issues, and what imusician’s definition of capitalized case means, since changing my name to the dictionary definition of that did not work. Just seems like they want to take my money and refuse service at this point.

Issue detailed below:

  • To ensure the correct spelling of your artist name for the delivery to streaming platforms, please provide us with reference links from social media or your official website. YouTube and Soundcloud links are not valid references. If you do not have social media, please remove any special characters from your artist name and use “Capitalized Case". You can add the reference links in the additional information section after resolving all issues and clicking the submit button below.
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Dear @madman10mj , please keep the conversation kind, the support is here to help you. I’ll tag @Melani and @Carlos to take a deeper look into your problem. You can expect an answer starting from Monday, as the support is closed on weekends, so please just have a little more patience :v:


Hi @Andi, thanks for taking care of this!

In order to deliver your artist name to the online shops, they are asking for a reference like social media links. Your original artist name was madman10mj and we would need like your Instagram account with the exact name to proof/validate your artist name.

However, I see that you changed the artist name but you would need to update the artwork with the new artist name. Please upload a new artwork from the dashboard :slight_smile: