Un titre de notre EP est mal orthograophié


La première chanson de notre EP est mal orthographiée et il n’y a visiblement personne qu’on peut contacter pour changer ça.
Peut-être qu’ici vous aurez une solution.

Le EAN de l’EP est le siuvant :
EAN 4069493035117

Bonne journée

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Hi there @MidNightOne,

you are right, this is the right place to ask for help when you don’t have a subscription.

I guess you are referring to “Wnr?”, am I right?

What is the typo?

Please notice that, if you are referring to the capitalization I won’t be able to help you, because we follow the guidelines provided by the shops. You can find additional details here (I attached the French FAQ :slight_smile:).

Have a good day!