Using 86 year old audio recording on a song? Is it possible?

1.Can I use 86years audio recording in my song?

  1. Do I need to get any permission?

Hello @AlmightyBillionaire

Is it a music excerpt / sample from a well-known song / artist? Then you need the written permission to publish it on streaming platforms.


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@cantheproducer no, it is not a music excerpt

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Can you please provide us more information.

What kind of audio is this? An instrument? Vocals?

Do you know the artist or the rights holder? Then I can answer you in more detail.


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@cantheproducer it is a crowd chant at a political rally. Vocals Only

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Understood. If the copyright holder of the vocals is not known, please enter your own name as the Lyricist.

If there are any further questions from the Team, you will find out about them as part of the quality check.


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