Validité pochette

Il m’est impossible de valider la pochette, notamment en rapport avec les exigences itunes et apple music. On me spécifie qu’il y a des infos supplémentaires sur ma pochette. J’ai refais avec uniquement le titre et notre nom et ça ne veut pas valider. De même avec un essai de photo fournie… ça ne veut pas m’enlever la notification de non validité… Je suis dans l’impasse car le format est bon, les infos aussi… Merci de votre aide. seb


hi @sebastien , let’s ask @Melani if she can help with that :v:

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Bonjour @Andi and @sebastien :slight_smile:

I checked your release and our quality team has found that the title is too generic. Online shops have certain rules and they do not appreciate titles that are too generic because they can be misleading. However, I see this is your first release and would like to inform you about the following:

  1. I see you entered Seb&So as artist name. Is it a one name or they are two artists, Seb and So? If they are two, they must be entered separately :slight_smile:
    The symbol & is used in our system to separate the artists but you do not need to enter the names using &
    2.I would suggest you to change the title as it is too generic and also you can not use special characters like commas. → therefore, a new artwork is needed.

You can make these corrections from the release itself :slight_smile:

All the best,

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