Wieder Fehler im Sales Report!

Hallo @Christoph und Team,

wieder gibt es Fehler im Sales Report und die Daten unseres Releases EAN 3614599044016 werden nicht angezeigt. Außerdem fragen wir uns, warum erneut bei YouTube Content ID “0” steht?

Die Revenue stimmt auch wieder nicht mit dem Cash Credit bzw. Net amount überein.

Wann wollt ihr diese Fehler beheben?

Der Verkaufsbericht für April enthält wie angekündigt die Streaming Einnahmen ohne YouTube Content ID, da es hier weiterhin Verzögerungen gibt (März und April fehlen noch).
Zusätzlich haben wir aber, wie per Mail informiert, die Content ID Einnahmen für Februar nachgereicht. Daher passen die Zahlen aus deinem Verkaufsbericht und der Cash Credit nicht genau überein.


Hallo @Christoph und Team,

wieder gibt es Fehler im Sales Report und die Daten unserer Releases EAN 3615935464024, 3615935275798, 3615939397915, 3615937763590, 4061798714490, 4066218490183 und 3614975936614 werden nicht angezeigt. Wow, dieses mal insgesamt sieben Releases, deren Abrechnungsdaten nicht angezeigt werden.

Könnt Ihr bitte diese sich wiederholenden Probleme lösen?

hi @BalduinMusic I’m forwarding your request also to @Carlos from the Team :v:

Hi @Andi, it’s now almost six days since my post here in the forum. Unfortunately, neither @Carlos nor @Christoph have responded. Basically, @Christoph is someone who still has a plan at iMusician, but overall, the support at iMusician has been a disaster for over a year now, so we’re currently only releasing our music through other distributors.

We will only collaborate with iMusician on new releases again when the service improves noticeably. However, once again, there have been serious errors on iMusician’s side that they are not taking responsibility for in a timely manner. For a label like ours, which also has a duty to artists, this is unacceptable.


What you see on your dashboard corresponds to what we’ve received/collected from the shops. If there are missing sales date, it’s because we haven’t received it yet or the shops have dismissed some of your earnings (that’s up to them and their internal policies).

We understand your frustration, but there isn’t much we can do to “fix” this since it doesn’t depend on us.

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Hi @Carlos,

Are you seriously telling us that for a total of seven releases, you haven’t received any billing data from any store? So, none of the stores (Spotify, YouTube, Apple Music, etc.) have sent you billing data for a total of seven releases? We can’t believe that. If this is really the case, how is it possible that other distributors don’t seem to have this problem?

What also confuses us in your response: The “Revenue Data” is generally not found in the dashboard, but under “Revenue” and then under “Releases.” Did you perhaps misunderstand our question?

I did understand your question very clearly. Your dashboard = your iMusician account and all the sections it contains (analytics, revenue, library, etc.), not a specific part of it.

Again, we understand your frustration, but there isn’t anything to “fix” here, it’s just a matter of data not being provided to us by the shops.