Will iMusician create my Spotify artist profil?


Situation: i just submitted my first song to iMusician. It is going to be my first release ever. (Date: 04.02.2025, artist name: Jensome). It is currently in review.

Question: what do I need to do to have an Spotify Artist page ready on release day?

What I did read so far: “Get instant access with a distributor
Deliver music with a preferred provider? You automatically get access to Spotify for Artists when you submit a request.” [Getting access to Spotify for Artists - Spotify]

If I click on “submit a request” Spotify does prompt me to create an account…

Do I have to create an account by myself?

Thanks in advance!


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Hello @Jensome

Yes you have to do this yourself. You can them claim your artist profile but if I remember it is after the song is published that you can link it to it. After you can in the iMusician dashboard link your artist profile to automatically link your future releases.

Best wishes for 2025
An indie musician

I tag the iMusician support @Carlos in case


Hi @A2D and @Carlos , happy new year!

I now did create a account on spotify. It looks as if there is no way to prepare my artist profile prior the single is being released on spotify(??). - because I can only claim my artist profile after the song has been released (as you said, too). …OR my Tema/Manager (you are my Team in this case) is sending me an invitation.
I read that it may take up to 30d for Spotify to identify me as the artist ONCE I did send the request to claim my artist profile… So I really hope to get stuff prepared earlier by getting an invitation from imusician.

Please feedback - thank you!


Hey @Jensome once your release is delivered to the shops, you will receive an email from us with your Spotify URI, which is the identification n° of your artist profile that Spotify created to host your release.

Once you have the URI, you can request the access to your profile by following these steps. Once you have access to Spotify for Artists, you’ll be able to personalize your profile :slight_smile:

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Hi @Carlos , thanks for the feedback. Unfortunately I just received an email from iMusician, that my release will not be in the iMusician editors choice playlist. But they recommend to try pitching it at Spotify.

My question; how to pitch my first release at Spotify, if I don’t have access to my artist account prior song release?

Spotify says “Deliver your music to us at least 7 days before its release date so our editors have time to listen”.

Looks like a henn-egg-problem …

Currently I only know, that the song is currently being delivered to streaming platforms and my target release date (4.feb.2025). There must be a way to access my artist account earlier in order to pitch my first release, no?



Yes, you can use your URI spotify:artist:3oUlIs5XnvPVdswqify4ro and follow the steps I’ve linked you to in my previous post to access your Spotify for Artists. From there, you can pitch the track :upside_down_face:

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Okay, thanks Carlos! I did receive the mail, that the song is being believed on the 7th. Can you tell how long it usually takes till it is delivered to Spotify/when the email about the Uri can be expected:)?
