Won't let me submit fixes to my release? "Ops, looks like something's not quite right!"

I’ve corrected everything it told me to in all the marked fields, but the “Submit” button is grayed out. I can’t do anything.

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Morning from Berlin @nharwood , will check and get back to you :slight_smile:

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Dear @nharwood , here me back!

I’ve checked your release and you would need to make the following corrections:

  1. The artwork must be uploaded since it is not very much clear. The artwork must include: the title of the release and the artist name
  2. You must enter the contributors with their legal names (they are mandatory)

Please go here iMusician and make the changes, tick the information box and after that, you will be able to submit.

Crossing my fingers :slight_smile:

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@nharwood you would need to tick box like this one, after including any correction:

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I’ve checked all the boxes that appeared.

Under “Release” it says there are 3 request, but there are only 2 checkboxes. The one you posted there, and a “The artist/release name on your cover artwork must match the one entered in the metadata exactly.”

Under tracks there is 1 request, and I’ve checked that.

The email/notification I got said there were only 3 things to fix. I fixed 3 things and there is nothing else. What do I do?


Here are all the instructions i see

I was told there were 3 things to fix, total.

The first two checkboxes are from the “Releases” section. There is no 3rd checkbox anywhere. Yet it thinks there’s 3.

The last checkbox on the image is for the "Tracks section.

What am I supposed to do from here? There’s nothing else for me to fix yet I can’t submit.

Hello @nharwood again! Please upload a new artwork and insert the legal names of the contributors.

The artwork presents 2 corrections: sharpness and metadata. Please make sure that the artwork shows exactly the release title and the artist name. At the moment, the artist name is not shown properly.

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I was notified that I needed to fix three things, but there are 4 listed on the page.

3 under “Release” and 1 under “Tracks”. The problem is, there is NOT 3 checkboxes under “Release”. There are only 2, which I’ve both checked. And I’ve checked the one under “Tracks” as well.

Here is an image of the three checkboxes that appear. The first two are from the “Release” section, and the last one is from the “Tracks” section.

Again, There is no 3rd checkbox under “release” as it claims to indicate. Also, all three checkboxes in the image are all that I was notified about. So it incorrectly appears to think there is a 3rd thing that I need to fix but I literally cannot because it doesn’t exist. Am I just permanently stuck because of this?

@nharwood Please do what @Melani said before and don’t create a new topic when this one is still active.

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@Melani yes, I know. If you read my previous responses, I have corrected both of those. Yet, there is MISTAKENLY a “3rd” thing I need to fix in that section that does not appear. This is a bug.

At this point, because my concerns are being completely ignored, I’d like to request a refund and cancel my distribution. I have found alternative platforms that do not have this issue and I will pursue them instead.

I am deeply disappointed in the horrible customer experience I’ve received, and the technical issues on iMusician’s side.

To be clear, I do not want promo credits or anything. If I do not receive a refund, I will be issuing a chargeback on my card.

@Melani @eriahummingbird

I have received no acknowledgement of the problem associated with my release, and no acknowledgement of my request to refund and cancel the distribution due to lack of help from support.

There is a bug preventing me from fixing issues related to my release. I made a few posts last week and received a repeat of things I already know, without any help.

Because of this, I want to just cancel my distribution and get my money back.

Hello @nharwood

thank you for your message.

@Carlos will get back to you shortly.



Hey @nharwood,

Don’t panic please, it’s a very simple fix :slight_smile:

  1. Please do some cleaning in your library and delete any empty release that are taking space for nothing:

clean library

  1. You cannot just tick a box without making a correction. Here, you actually need to add the composers and lyricists in order to confirm the corrections:

Please make the required changes and confirm them so we can deliver your release to the shops.



Thanks @Carlos, but that wasn’t my problem. Whether I make the changes or not, it claims to have THREE checkboxes in the “Release” section, but there are only two. There is

  1. Either a bug on YOUR end where it is incorrectly stating there is a 3rd checkbox in that section even though there is not

  2. This mysterious 3rd checkbox is locked behind something I cannot edit without “upgrading” my account.

I have tried to explain this issue many, many times and nobody is listening. So, regardless of whether this is fixable, I want to cancel my distribution and get a refund. Since it has not gone through, that should be no problem. I’m not sure why you charged my card BEFORE this was finalized in the first place.

Please let me know if there is anything I need to do to get that started, otherwise please initiate it. My request for a refund has STILL not been addressed and this is getting ridiculous.

Hey @nharwood,

Please take a closer look to your dashboard:

There are 3 fields that you need to correct, so far none of the modifications have been brought. The release title still doesn’t match with the artwork (checkboxes 1 & 2) and the full legal names of the contributors haven’t been provided (checkbox 3).

At this stage, I would simply suggest taking the time to make the corrections we have been requesting - for 5 days now - if you want us to be able to deliver your release :wink:

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@Carlos That is a great image because it perfectly illustrates my point. There are 4 requests on that page, (3 at the top, 1 at the bottom) and only 3 checkboxes, as your diagram elegantly points out.

Again, I want to cancel this distribution and get a refund for the $9 that I was preemptively charged. I no longer care to use this service.

Thank you!

Hey @nharwood,

I’ve sent you a DM.

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