a release was send to a new (wrong) account in Spotify. Only Spotify. I have entered the Spotify account correctly, the label is correct, the band name is correct. That’s completely wrong.
On Apply Music everything is OK.
a release was send to a new (wrong) account in Spotify. Only Spotify. I have entered the Spotify account correctly, the label is correct, the band name is correct. That’s completely wrong.
On Apply Music everything is OK.
hi @Reinhard can you please post the link to your right profile. the link to your song and the link to the wrong artist profile?
right profile:
wrong profile:
432 Hertz Band | Spotify
Both album are wrong.
Hey @Reinhard, thank you for reporting this!
I have entered the Spotify account correctly
→ That’s not what I see on your dashboard I’m afraid
If you do not link your artist name to an existing profile, there are high chances that the shops will misattribute your music to either a homonymous profile or a new artist page.
From what you’re writing it sounds like you already had a Spotify artist profile. Can you please share the link to this profile so I can ask Spotify to correct their mistake and group all your releases there ?
Oh, I hadn’t thought of that, I think I specified the profiles for Spotify and Apple in the release myself. I’m used to it. I don’t really know iMusian yet. I’m sorry. I’ve changed that now.
The correct Spotify profile:
Thank you very much
thank you @Reinhard! I’ve forwarded the request to Spotify, your releases should be moved to the right profile within the next 2 weeks
Thank you very much, that worked.