Wrong Account - Distribution

a release was send to a new (wrong) account in Spotify. Only Spotify. I have entered the Spotify account correctly, the label is correct, the band name is correct. That’s completely wrong.

On Apply Music everything is OK.

hi @Reinhard can you please post the link to your right profile. the link to your song and the link to the wrong artist profile?

right profile:

wrong profile:
432 Hertz Band | Spotify

Both album are wrong.

Hi @Reinhard , I’m forwarding this to @Carlos from the Team :v:


Hey @Reinhard, thank you for reporting this!

I have entered the Spotify account correctly

→ That’s not what I see on your dashboard I’m afraid :point_down:

If you do not link your artist name to an existing profile, there are high chances that the shops will misattribute your music to either a homonymous profile or a new artist page.

From what you’re writing it sounds like you already had a Spotify artist profile. Can you please share the link to this profile so I can ask Spotify to correct their mistake and group all your releases there ? :slight_smile:

Oh, I hadn’t thought of that, I think I specified the profiles for Spotify and Apple in the release myself. I’m used to it. I don’t really know iMusian yet. I’m sorry. I’ve changed that now.
The correct Spotify profile:

Thank you very much

thank you @Reinhard! I’ve forwarded the request to Spotify, your releases should be moved to the right profile within the next 2 weeks :slight_smile:


Thank you very much, that worked. :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

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