Wrong account on Amazon Music, Apple Music and Deezer

Hello, I released a song on 14th of February 2024, “Until Death”, and i realised that it released on an an existing artist on Amazon Music, Apple Music and Deezer. So I would like to solve this problem. My artist name is Wanner and my Song name is Until Death and my email is [deleted by moderator]

Erwann Baesens-Prigent


hi @Wanner , welcome to our community! To fix your problem please just post the links to your song on apple music and deezer as well as the link to the incorrect artist and, if exists, to your page. For what regards amazon, please just follow the steps here :v:
and please, don’t post personal informations like e-mail adresses in public! I’ve deleted it, but the Team already has it.
Best, Andi


Yes, here they are :
My song on Apple Music : ‎Until Death - Morceau par Wanner - Apple Music

Wrong artist on Apple Music : ‎Wanner – Apple Music

Wrong artist on Deezer : https://deezer.page.link/qrL6vUTvHMXatcuF6

My song on Deezer : https://deezer.page.link/J4aep8XBjDCiX5RcA

I dont have an artist on both platforms account, so it has to be created

And thank you very much for my email ! i’m so stupid :sweat_smile:

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And there is also a problem on my arist website : when I click on the Amazon Music link it finds this EP : https://music.amazon.de/albums/B0BZT4P4BR?marketplaceId=A1PA6795UKMFR9&musicTerritory=DE&ref=dm_sh_Im6KsyG1pkGOJFGNXAb6KT8Pl

My artist website adress is Wanner - Artist Page - iMusician
Which is also wrong…
Thanks in advance

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hey @Wanner , thanks a lot, starting from Monday someone from the team will take a deeper look at that, I’m tagging @Carlos here.


Hello @Wanner,
thanks for sharing the links. I sent a request so you can expect your new profiles within the next few days.

And I’ll get back to you as soon as I manage to fix the Release page link.

Thanks for your patience.


Thank you very much!