Wrong artist on Deezer

Continuing the discussion from Release error and empty release page:

I’m sorry I had to create another topic @Carlos , the other one is locked.
Unfortunately the same problem occurred with Deezer…If you please could ask them too.

Everything is fine with Spotify and Apple Music.

Many thanks

Hey @sungrave, then I would need the links for Deezer please :slight_smile:

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Bonjour. Mon single n’apparait pas sur Deezer, et sur Apple music, c’est un autre artiste que moi. Pourriez-vous rectifier ?


Artiste et titre : Pascal Aire - RA

Code barre : 4069493109719

Label imusician Les Carriers

Date de sortie digitale : 30 novembre 2024

@pascalair même chose: il me faut les liens sur les plateformes respectives s’il vous plaît :point_down:

  • lien de la sortie
  • lien du mauvais profil
  • lien du bon profil (si vous n’en avez pas, indiquez “créer un profil”)

Ma chanson est sortie sur youtube et Spotify mais affilié à un mauvais artiste.

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/intl-fr/track/7hXKzDZchFf5CBXV3W1UsK?si=63acb53d4a124d29

Youtube: https://youtu.be/k8vjG5pOuTI?si=gwb-mrGIn43Fs6a7

Je n’ai pas de profile Spotify pour l’instant.
Mon profile Youtube est : https://youtube.com/@olivierlf?si=juevNjjyAF8DcPko

Je vous remercie par avance pour les modifications.

Olivier LF

hi @Fabiola , can you please take a look at this? :v:

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Hello @OlivierLF,

I sent a request to Spotify to create a new artist profile. While, the link you provided us for Youtube is your personal channel and not the Official Artist Channel.
Basically, when we deliver your tracks to YouTube, they end up on two different places:

  1. YouTube Music;

  2. YouTube under an auto-generated "Various Artist - Topic” channel.

When your tracks start getting a significant presence on YouTube, a new “Artist - Topic” channel is automatically created. If an artist doesn’t have an Artist Topic channel, it may be because:

  • There are too few videos from the artist;
  • The artist’s videos do not generate enough views;
  • The artist’s videos do not meet YouTube’s quality standards.

Only YouTube can decide on the creation of an “Artist - Topic” channel. As a distributor, there is nothing we can do to influence that decision.

If you already own a personnal YouTube channel and you want to turn it into an official artist channel, please take the time to carefully read this article: https://imusician.pro/en/support/faqs/article/what-is-an-official-artist-channel-and-how-to-get-one.

Hope this helps and have a great day!

All the best,