Wrong release on my apple music page AGAIN

hello once again :sweat_smile: I’m having the same issue with a new release that should not be there

wrong release: ‎Pure comme toi - Song by Luna & Stephy Quim - Apple Music
apple music profile: ‎Luna - Apple Music

I know this keeps happening because I have a common artist name, but is there anything I can do for this to not happen so often? Thanks!

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Hi @Luna , while creating your release, did you choose your artist profile? I’ll tag @Carlos here to help you with your issue, best, Andi :v:


Hello @Luna

Thanks for your reply and the links.

I’ve sent a request to Apple Music for the release to be re-assigned correctly. Please note that it generally takes up to 3 weeks for the platforms to process these changes, so we thank you in advance for your patience.


Let’s hope that the artist will request a new profile to their distributor… :crossed_fingers: