YouTube music release


I am having a problem with a release I made on December 27 2024 (A89 - 4 Days In June). I seems that the release worked really well on most of the platform I selected except on YouTube Music. Do you know if this could be explained and corrected ?

Thank you for you help

hi @PAB , I´m forwarding this to @Carlos from the Team :v:
can you meanwhile post the EAN of the release?


Thank you for the response. Here is the EAN 4069493143812

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Hey @PAB, thanks for reaching out :slight_smile:

We have noticed significant delays in deliveries to YouTube since mid-December, and our team is currently in contact with their service to resolve the situation as quickly as possible. In your case, the status of the delivery remains ‘In delivery’ because the delivery to YouTube has not yet been completed, which is why you cannot find your content there.

I encourage you to be patient while the situation is resolved on YouTube’s side, and feel free to reach out to us again if nothing has changed within the next two weeks.


Hi Carlos,

Thank you very much for your answer. I’ll continue to check YouTube in the next few weeks.

Have a good day