About a wrong term EP, in spotify

Publique dos albumes con iMusician y mi pregunta es como resolver el problema de que han sido catalogados equivocadamente, como EP en lugar de como “ALBUM” en Spotify, a pesar de que ambos contienen 7 tracks y su duracion es superior a 30 minutos. Este error ha llevado a que tampoco aparezcan en la informacion de la barra lateral de google correctamente. Querria contactar con el Team de iMusician para que me puede dar alguna sugerencia o ayuda directa, y podeer cambiar la definicion de estos dos discos a “Album”. Creyendo que el problema era de Goggle los he contactado varias veces a traves de “comentarios y sugerencias” y no obtengo ninguna respuesta, lo que ha llevado a descubrir que es un error de mi Discografica en este caso la propia iMusician. Mil gracias!

Hello @Jeronimo ,

thank you for your message. Can you please tell us the barcode of the release.

@Kuo or @Carlos will get back to you shortly.


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Hello and Thank you very much for answer. So barcodes of the two releases are:
MAGICAL SHORES: EAN 4061798531738
SEVEN STORIES: EAN 4061798557981

Hello, someone from the team will come, but I just wanted to tell you that it might be the choice of Spotify and no one else. But we’ll see what iMusician’s staff says!

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Thank you very much!

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Hey @Jeronimo

short info for you. There is no work at this time and on weekends. That’s why you won’t receive an answer until next week.


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OK… So I will wait for it. Thank you very much!


Hey @Jeronimo,

As @eriahummingbird correctly explained, this is not something we can modify as the platforms have the right to display your release based on their own criterias. Even if it is displayed as an “Album” on your iMusician dashboard and on some platforms, it doesn’t mean that it is necessarely the same for Spotify :confused:

More on this here.



Hello @Carlos and thank you! I imagine that. So… I’m wondering if it’s possible to connect and talk to them… (Spotify) otherwise I think this is only possible for you… (Digital Distributor). Anyway, this problem is not a good thing…what can I do now to solve it?
Thank you!

Hey @Jeronimo,

You can try to reach out to them here. However, again, even as a distributor this is not something we can modify I’m afraid.

There isn’t really anything to “solve” here as this is a normal thing on Spotfiy, as you can see here.


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Hello Carlos, I spoke to them yesterday and fortunately they solved the problem very quickly… now the two releases are allready ALBUM. So that’s all for now. Thank you so much!