Tracks unavailable on Apple Muic

Hello again,

My tracks are still not available on Apple Music, after you did some investigation you sent my this informations :

"We got some answers fro Apple Music itself.

For your information, Apple has removed the following products from Apple Music/iTunes because they do not meet the editorial requirements of the service.

This selection process is the sole decision of Apple Music/iTunes and unfortunately we have no influence on this:

*Castles (*4066218531671) - Multiple copies of the same content has been submitted with slightly different titles or artist names"

I give Apple a feedback, trying to understand what they are referring to since my content is original and any other copies would have been removed instead of mine.

They told me to check this with you, implied they only deals with these questions with distributors.

After rechecking by my side, it seems that the EAN reference in their feedback is not mine, mine is EAN 4066218436426. (as you could see in my original demand here)

Can you go further and check with the Apple services what copies have been submitted and why it’s the original one which have been removed ?

Or verify that they are referring to the good EAN code ?

Thanks you very much,
Best regards

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Hello @Mobomusic

Thanks for your message.

@Carlos or @Melani will get back to you shortly.



Okay, Thank you !


Hi @Mobomusic, thanks for the reply!

I forwarded the request to our delivery and legal team, we are investigating on the matter. Thanks for your patience :slight_smile:


Here we are @Mobomusic ! Our legal team got back to you and please, if you have any answer, you can reply to the email.

Will be closing this thread and have a great week ahead!